On Statistical Analysis of Blood Pressure with respect to Some Demographic Factors
Babalola B.T, Olubiyi A.O

This research examined the relationship that exists between the between the blood pressure and some demographic fators viz: age , sex and status(alive or dead) of some patients. Ordinal logistic regression was employed for the analysis of the data. The data of 1,966 patients(men and women) were obtained from Ekiti State Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti. The result showed that only age is statistically significant of the three factors. Pseudo R-square (Cox and Snell, Nagelkerke and McFadden) values were very low (0.005, 0.006, 0.002 respectively), suggesting that these predictors can only account for a little change in blood pressure patients. Logit models were obtained to calculate probabilities of the various possible outcomes.

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