Association of Dental Pulp Stone with Cardiovascular, Kidney Stones and Diabetic Mellitus: A Systemic Review
Mohammed Abdulmohsen Alyousif, Jana Mohammed Al Rumayh, Amal Jamaan Alharbi, Mona Saad Alharbi, Rana Ahmed Aloraini, Abdullah Majed Alhojailan, Mohammad Qahtan Alfahhad, Ahmed El Kabbaney
Background: Pulp stone are nodular dystrophic calcifications that shows conflict association to many medical conditions in the literature such has cardio vascular diseases, kidney stone and diabetes mellitus.This systemic review aimed to identify the presence of association of dental pulp stone to diabetes mellitus, cardio vascular diseases, and renal stone.
Methods: Data bases were searched from 2010 to 2021 using the Cochrane methodology and reported findings according to PRISMA. CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Medline and PubMed. After removal of duplication, 46 studies were found and reviewed. 3 variables were used for statistical analysis (year of publishing, medical condition studies, type of association) and the correlation has been statistically studied by SPSS.
Results: The majority of reviewed articles (52.2%) were concerning on pulp stone in association with cardio vascular diseases followed by diabetes mellitus (23.9%) and renal stone (10.9%). (78%) of all studies found that there is positive association.The result showed that most of recent (80.0%) and older (76.2%) studies admit the presence of relation to cardio vascular diseases (79.2%), renal stone (60.0%) and diabetes mellites.
Conclusions: From the present study, we can conclude that pulp stone was prevalent in cardio vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus population as well as renal stone patients. The cardio vascular group have the highest prevalence of pulp stone followed by diabetic group and less prevalence in renal stone patients.This might suggest a possibility of altered pathogenesis that require further assessment or management for these patients.
Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v11n1a14