Management of Patients with Scoliosis in a Dental Practice: A Review of Literature
Wahaj Anees, Ayesha Zaheer

Background: Management of a patient with moderate to severe scoliosis is often challenging in dental set-ups, due to their poor sitting postures caused by spinal curvature. Intra-operative complexities usually increase with the increased severity of their spinal curvatures, which can be problematic on the ends of both patients and their dentists, ultimately affecting the treatment outcomes and quality of care. To minimize the poor outcomes and optimize the quality of care and treatment, dental operators should follow proper protocols while dealing with such patients. Methods: In this study, we performed the literature review and identified studies related to our topic in three different databases, with Boolean search and followed Prisma guidelines. Results: The results showed a lack of literature having any such guidelines present. Aim and objective: The aim of this article is to highlight the difficulties that are faced by the dental practitioners and their patients with scoliosis, during the dental procedures and emphasizes on the importance and formation of such guidelines that will be beneficial for both of them. Due to no prior set protocols regarding management of scoliosis patient in dental practice. Conclusion: it is recommended to have a multidisciplinary approach where dentist work in collaboration with orthopedics to form such guidelines for the best interest of their patients and treatment quality. Further studies are required due to the lack of literature on this topic, specifically related to the difficulties on dental chair.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v11n1a8