Es De Interés En El Estudio De La Preeclampsia
MSc Esthela Narcisa Tinoco Moreno; MSc. Alex Fernando Vivas Lara; Dra. Jovelis Tatiana Miñan Fernández; MSc. Susana Sumoy Esteves Díaz; MSc. Wendy Wasbrum Tinoco

Preeclampsia is a multisystemic syndrome considered to be the second leading cause of death in underdeveloped countries, resulting in multiple complications that increase maternal and perinatal morbi-mortality. Objective: To determine the diseases considered as risk factors in the development of preeclampsia, at Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital, in 2016. Methods: Retrospective analytical study. Sample composed of 55 pregnant women, divided into seven groups; Data collected from the hospital's computer system. Results: The diseases that influenced the development of preeclampsia were: urinary tract infection 48%, anemia 16%, diabetes 16%, preexisting hypertension 12%, obesity 4%, genital infections 2%; Main consequences found in the baby: oligohydramnios, suffering and fetal death; In the mother: Hellp syndrome and Eclampsia; Type of delivery: 5% natural, 95% cesarean; 4 neonatal deaths were recorded in the study group. Discussion: According to the study carried out, we highlight the main disease of urinary tract infection, similar to the study by Victor H. Sotomayor; The incidence of diseases such as diabetes, anemia and hypertension in the development of preeclampsia in our study coincided with that of Sixto E Sánchez and Alejandra María Gómez-Gutiérrez. Conclusions: Urinary tract infections continue to be the main pathology related to the increase in preeclampsia, followed by diabetes, anemia, hypertension and obesity. In many studies carried out on preeclamptic women there are no natural births, however, we can show that in the HTMC there is a percentage of 5% of women with preeclampsia who had a natural birth in 2016.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v6n4a1