Establishment of Haematological Reference Intervals for Adults and Adolescents in Nakuru County, Kenya
Rose. N. Gachie, HND, BSC, MSC, PHD; Tom Were BSC MSC, PHD; Stanley Waithaka BSC, MSC, PHD; Ngethe Muhoho BSC, MSC, PHD

Background: The haematologic reference intervals are important in the assessment of health and diseases conditions in a certain population and they vary with age, sex, altitude and genetic. The current study intended to establish the haematological reference intervals in Nakuru County and to compare them with international reference interval values. Methodology: A cross sectional design was used where samples of blood were collected from consenting participants aged between 12-18 and 19-55 years for adolescents and adults respectively. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data and all participants who did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded from the study. Results: The erythrocyte medium reference indices (Red blood cell count, haemoglobin, haematocrit. and mean cell haemoglobin concentration, monocytes, and platelets were significantly different across the study groups, P <0.0001) . They also indicated variations from the western established values commonly used by the clinicians for client’s management. Conclusion: The results indicated low haematological reference values as compared to the currently utilized values by the clinicians in Kenya and also in Nakuru County citing the need for local reference interval values. These data will therefore provide haematological reference values for this specific region which can also be interpolated in other regions for correct patients’ management and for clinical care

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v6n4a6