Clinical-Epidemiological Profile of End-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease in Dialytic Therapy in the State of Pará, Brazil
Ana Lydia Ledo de Castro Cabeça, Renata Maria Coutinho Alves, Ana Carolina de Castro Ribeiro Cabeça,Marcelo Coelho Simões, Daniele Melo Sardinha, Juan Andrade Guedes, Cláudia do Socorro Carvalho Miranda, Clea Nazaré Carneiro Bichara,Nelson Veiga Gonçalves

Purpose of the study: to examine the epidemiological profile of patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease in dialytic therapy in the State of Pará. Methods: We conducted a prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional of quantitative approach. The survey was developed in patients in the health system from the State of Pará, and met in November 2017, in three Renal Therapy Services located in the municipality of Substitutionary Belém-PA, through the application of a questionnaire Semistructured and analysis of patient records. Demographic variables, cartographic and public policy in health were obtained, respectively, of the 2010 CENSUS, the Millionth Digital system of IBGE and national register of Health establishments. Results: 50 to 59 guys prevailed years (29.2%), ethnicity (63.5%), with basic-level education (56.2%) and family income of up to 1 minimum wage (59.6%). The main causes of kidney disease were hypertension (78.6%) and diabetes melittus (43.2%). Conclusion: Further studies are necessary to the understanding of social determinants and epidemiologic, clinical, and about the existence of dialysis treatment networks in the State, in order to contribute to the formulation and implementation of public policies in the area of Nephrology.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v7n3a6