Vol. 8, No. 1; March 2020 (Abstract 4)

The "Pague Gampong" Model in Aceh Culture on Drug Handling: A Qualitative Study
T. Alamsyah*, Adil Candra, Dewi Marianthi

Background: The development of narcotics abuse and psychotropic drugs (drugs) is very worrying for all countries, including Indonesia. The number of drug abuse continues to increase with higher mortality. Victims of drug abuse are not limited to the well-to-do community groups, but have also penetrated into the lower economic circles. The development of a culture-based community empowerment model is one of the approaches offered as a drug prevention measure at the village level. Method: This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted from June to August 2019 by FGDs on seven health cadres and in-depth interviews with three health workers who were in charge of narcotics. Results: Three themes were found, namely: Drugs are diseases that are dangerous to humans. Drugs have a physical, psychological and social impact on humans and the PagueGampong program is one way to prevent drugs in the community. Conclusion: To improve the prevention of drug abuse in the community, the PagueGampong model is considered suitable to be applied in Aceh.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v8n1a4